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My Chungus Life

My name is Theodora Mylene Augusta. Welcome to my Chungoid life.

I wish i was born a woman. And born maybe 20 years ago so I could've experienced the golden age of the internet. By the time I had reached a level of scentience in my teenage years, The internet had already become the bloated corporate mess it is now. Sad! Thats why I've made this, my own little sliver of old internet bloat.
I hope with this website I can immortalise myself on the internet in my own way. This will be me undistilled;
-my thoughts;
-my photos;
-my history rants;
-my bullshit.

My hobbies & Interests

I have a lot of different interests, sometimes I forget about them. Are they really my interests and hobbies then? I think so.
The following lists should be a basic look into my likes and hobbies.

On Food Reviews

On this website I am going to include a review of every restuarant I go to. Why here and not on Google or Yelp? Because I am too good for those platforms. Simple. And I can format my review my way as well and write whatever I want etc etc.
The reasons to do things on your own platform are truly endless.

please note this website is a work in progress! It's not even remotely done.

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