My Chungus Life Through Film
Film to me
Film has been with me my entire life, I would assume this is the same for most people today. When I was a young child, one of the things I could do to pass the time was watch DVDs on the tv (Streaming nor iPads were a thing yet). The films I can remember watching in this period were filmes like Star Wards, Indiana Jones, Sam Raimi's Spider-Man 1 and 3 (not 2 for some reason), and a smattering of various kids animated films I found intensely boring. But none of these films apart from maybe Spider-Man really had a huge impact on me. Films were simply something to pass the time with.
It wasnt until I was 10 that I started to actually watch films for pleasure. My father would take me to Blockbuster every wednesday afternoon and I'd watch any number of films or tv shows at his house when I wasnt playing GTA V. James Bond, Pirates of the Carribean, Doctor Who, Godzilla filled many afternoons that otherwise wouldve been wasted in afterschool care.
In my teenage years I began to watch more 'intense' films to develop my cinema pallet. Films like The Godfather, Taxi Driver, and To Kill a Mockingbird to name a few. But did I really understand these films? I don't think so. I feel as if when I watched them then I simply observed, I did not actually digest what I saw. It's only been in the past few years that I feel like I can actually appreciate a film for what it is, and truely understand what is presented to me. This is simply a matter of aging and growing old.
This is my current top 20 films