My Chungus Photography
Intro To My Photography
In the past year I've taken up photography as one of my hobbies, specifically 35mm film photography. Compared to taking photos on my phone, its a technically primitave experience, and there is are only so many feature that my Canon A-1 can do compared to my phone's camera. But the actual photos that camera can produce are leagues ahead of what my phone makes.
This is due to the fact that it's film. Film is still incredible in 2024 and it will be incredible forever. It is incredibly hi-res, you get so much colour and warmth and detail, and its also just fun. I like having to slow down and think about the composition of my photographs, whether the lighting is good. TBH I have a couple rolls I still need to develop but thats just a time-money issue more than anything else.
I have two film cameras at the moment, a Canon A-1 and Olympus XA-3. My preferred film so far is Kodak Ultramax 400. The photo's I have underneath are some of the better photos (I think at least) that I've taken over the past year. I hope you like them.
Note: The person in these photos is my wonderful husband Aleksandr and also my stupid mutt Zeus. I am absent.
My Photos